Graduation Procedures

How to Graduate

Review the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences steps to apply for graduation.

How to Graduate


Find the most recent commencement details, including date, location, dress code, and etc.

Commencement Details

Additional Graduation Procedures for PhD Students

  1. Apply for graduation in January, by the deadline set by the Graduate School. You will receive an email from stating the specific deadline date. 
  2. The dissertation proposal must be completed before a dissertation is submitted. 
  3. The online defense form of the thesis review report must be submitted 1 week prior to the defense. Emails from off-campus committee members stating that the dissertation is ready for defense are acceptable. 
  4. The thesis coversheet must have original signatures from all committee members. 
  5. The dissertation defense report form (ballot) must be signed at the defense and sent to the registrar. Your Director of Graduate Studies (Dr. Fonzi) has this form since it is not available online.
  6. Review the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences comprehensive information about dissertations.
  7. The dissertation must be accepted by the Graduate School after completing the formatting review no later than May 1 by 5:00PM in order to participate in the May graduation of that year.