Adjunct Faculty
Kris Breardsley
William Bonvillian, J.D.
Director, MIT Washington Office
Michael Bray
Seth Carus, Ph.D
Kevin G. Chen, Ph.D
Principle Investigator, National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke William Daddio, Ph.D
Sociology and Anthropology Professor, Georgetown University Former Assoc. Driector for Protection/Chief, U.S. Mint Police Dave Franz
VP and Chief Biological Scientist at Midwest Research Institute Davis Garrett
John Jacocks, M.D.
Senior Medical Officer, Defense Threat Reduction Agency D.A. Henderson
Dean Emeritus and Professor, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health Founding Director, Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies Norm Kahn, M.D.
Executive Vice President and CEO Council, Medical Specialty Societies Shane Kappler, M.D.
Chief Residency, Emergency Medicine, Georgetown University Hospital Lawrence D. Kerr, Ph.D
Deputy Director for Countering Biological Threats Office of the Director of National Intelligence Kei Koizumi, M.A.
Assistant Director, Federal R&D at Office of Science and Technology Policy George Korch, Ph.D
Senior Science Advisor to the Senior Secretary for Preparedness and Response, Health and Human Services Catalina Kovats
Radiation Safety Officer, Georgetown University A. Alan Moghissi, Ph.D
Associate Director, International Center for Regulatory Science Randall S. Murch, Ph.D
Associate Director, Research Program Development, National Capital Region, Virginia Tech Rick Nelson, M.A.
Vice President for Business Development at Cross Match Technologies Jennifer Nuzzo,DrPH
Senior Associate at UPMC Center for Health Security Graciela R. Ostera, Ph.D
Course Director of Interdisciplinary Global Infectious Diseases Hank Parker, Ph.D
Biodefense Specialist and writer, Georgetown University Neal A. Pollard, J.D.
International Affairs Fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations Francis Slakey, Ph.D
Upjohn Lecturer on Physics and Public Policy at Georgetown University Jeff Stiefel, Ph.D
Senior Health Threats Advisor, Office of Health Affairs, DHS Ryung Suh, M.D.
board-certified in occupational medicine and is a Fellow of the American College of Preventive Medicine (FACPM) and the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (FACOEM) Ben Tannebaum
Andrew Webber, M.S.
Principal Advisor to the Secretary of Defense Catherine Woytowicz, Ph.D
Adjunct Assistant Professor at Georgetown University